Frequently Asked Questions

How to add sub account?
Last Updated 8 years ago

In addition to your master account (the account used to purchase paid support subscription), you can add a number of additional sub accounts depending on your level of support. This is useful in case when multiple team members or departments have to access paid support ticket system.

Only registered users could be added as sub accounts. Make sure your team members register a new account on the website before adding them as sub accounts.

To add one or more sub accounts to your master account, please follow this process:

  1. Login to by using your master account (account used to purchase paid support subscription).
  2. Go to My Profile page
  3. Click on Sub Accounts tab
  4. On Sub Accounts tab, enter the email address of the sub-account you would like to give permission to your Paid Support account and click Search.
  5. If found, the user will be displayed in the results box. You can select the user and then click "Add Sub Account(s)" button to add the user to your account. If the user is not found, please ask the user to first register a new account on the website and then try again.
  6. Now the users you have added can see your all your Paid Support tickets and participate in any discussions on them.

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